IT Challenge 2018

Rejoignez un leader du digital

Un partenariat pour la transformation digitale

La transition vers le digital est comme un sport. Ces deux domaines requièrent détermination, performance, remise en question et persévérance.
C’est un travail d’équipe. Chaque pas en avant est le résultat d’un défi et d’une collaboration de tous les instants.
On ne réussit pas dans le sport sans partenaire. Atos – Partenaire de confiance de votre transformation digitale.
Digital Transformation Partner
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Ce challenge se décompose en 5 phases

Ce challenge se décompose en 5 phases

Artificial Intelligence is a game changing technology, already being applied in many areas including Call Centres, Video & Serious Gaming, Medical Diagnosis, Fraud Detection, Driverless Vehicles and Security Surveillance. For all its benefits, some are also saying it could be a huge threat – with calls for regulation to protect humanity against AI running out of control. We believe it is an important area for the Atos IT Challenge to explore.
For a more accessible and demonstrable topic, we are combining it with that of intelligent conversational interfaces (or bots) – a capability that has emerged through solutions such as Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri, Microsoft’s Cortana and Facebook’s M, providing humans with more convenient ways to interact with AI systems.

The topic for the Atos IT Challenge 2018 is as follows:

Devise an innovative use case and build a prototype leveraging Artificial Intelligence and conversational interfaces. Show how this can provide benefit to the people and/or transform business, and how you could further develop your solution and take it to market.

You may wish to use devices like the Amazon Echo Dot or Google’s AIY Projects with a Raspberry Pi to provide an interface, a web service or APIs such as or